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Item #: ma17
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Nicely framed and displayed button from the coat of Brigadier Phillip Kearney. Kearney was wealthy and had his own buttons made depicting the family crest and the initial K. Quite fitting for someone known as Kearney the Magnificent. Several of these buttons surfaced back in the late 1980's and were sold by esteemed and noted collector Lewis Leigh. Also included is a CDV of General Kearney. Winfield Scott once said that Kearney was a perfect man and the bravest man I ever knew. At the battle of Chantilly, Virgina on September 1, 1862 while scouting a break in the Union lines a subordinate warned him of the danger and Kearney remarked " The rebel bullet that can kill me has not yet been molded." It was obvious that the General was not keeping up with the munitions capabilities in Richmond. He would be mortally wounded by a hail of bullets a short time later. A wonderful piece of history.
Shipping Weight: 6 lbs
Your Price $1,000.00 USD

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