Archive Grouping of Thomas H. Stones 117th Illinois Regiment
Item #: df357
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Group of items from Thomas H. Stone who served in the 117th Illinois infantry.The Grouping consist of his P53 Enfield Musket, his bayonet, cap box , needle kit he carried in the Civil War, 1/6 plate tintype, cdv of him and his wife at their wedding and his GAR medals. Also included are many paper items along his journal highlighting some his exploits early in the war. A number of family photos are included of him and his family and of his brother and wife. Thomas Stone served throughout the war enlisting in August, 1862. After the war he was a member of the Post number 173 (H.W. Wood) in McLean, Illinois. The Enfield is missing one lock screw, rear sight and the sling swivel, The sling swivel is in the grouping but is not attached. The musket is in overall fine condition. The leather cap box is in nice condition with all the leather intact. The Enfield bayonet is in a U.S. scabbard and does not fit all the way to the bottom but obviously it is how he brought it home. The journal is interesting reading with one account of how he killed a farmers hog and then went to the farmers house and borrowed his cart to sneak his ill gotten contraband back to camp. The farmer showed up the next day in camp looking for the soldier that stole his hog and for the soldier who borrowed his cart. Private Stone commented that that was the first blood he had let on Southern soil.
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