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Item #: tb636
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Rare example of the Colt .44 caliber gang mold inspected and accepted for the U.S. Ordinance department by William A. Thornton. These molds were supplied by Colt on government orders at a ratio of one mold for every 50 pistols. Nicely stamped on the sprue-cutter is COLTS PATENT and with WAT for William A. Thornton, U.S. ordinance inspector, on the side of the frame. 44H is deeply stamped on the frame along with the letters T and K for the Colt quality inspectors. The wood handles along with the brass ferrules are in fine condition. These molds were supplied by Colt for the Colt Dragoon and the M1860 army revolvers.
Price: $950.00 USD (Sale Pending)

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FloridaConfederate.com strongly recommends that these artifacts be enjoyed and appreciated for their historical significance and not ever fired. By ordering you are acknowledging these facts, warnings and assume full responsibility for your personal actions with regard to them.

We DO NOT sell modern guns, all our inventory will be pre 1898 and are classified by the ATF as antiques and require no government paperwork to own.