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Item #: 3325
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Naval Ordnance proof gauge for 24 lb artillery projectiles in fine condition. Overall length is 12 inches with a 5.640 inside ring diameter. Very nicely marked in bold letters is STANDARD 24pdr SMALL SHELL GAUGE 5.64 on one side and on the opposite side is ORD DEPT. U.S.N.Y.W for United States Navy Yard Washington and below 1867 GB over an anchor. Ideal for the guy that has everything.

If you have ordered an antique weapon or artifact from our website please be advised that these guns are sold strictly as collectible antiques.

FloridaConfederate.com strongly recommends that these artifacts be enjoyed and appreciated for their historical significance and not ever fired. By ordering you are acknowledging these facts, warnings and assume full responsibility for your personal actions with regard to them.

We DO NOT sell modern guns, all our inventory will be pre 1898 and are classified by the ATF as antiques and require no government paperwork to own.