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Item #: t1703
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Tin drum canteen measuring 6 inches by 1.5 inches with dented convex face. The canteen still retains it's original 1 inch linen sling Often called the Richmond style this canteen has the typical crude lapped seam tin spout. Lightly scratched into the back surface appears to be the name Daniel Peavy. I scanned it into my computer under high resolution and blew it up. It needs more work with better eyes than mine to be 100% sure of the name. I have included my scans for your interpretation. If my analysis is correct I found 3 possible matches in the Civil War database. Daniel B. Peavy who served in company A Mann's Texas cavalry, D. M. Peavy who served the 8th Battalion Georgia Infantry, and a union soldier named Daniel Peavy who enlisted in March of 1865 in the 15th Maine Infantry. Also with the canteen is a note card noting that it was purchased in 1987. Also noted on the card is that it had at on time been owned by noted pioneer collector Beverly Dubose of Atlanta, Georgia. More research is needed but the argument could be made that since it had once been part of an old Georgia collection it might have been owned by the Georgia soldier. Of course it could also argued that even Colombo might not be able to figure it out.
Shipping Weight: 5 lbs
Your Price $1,500.00 USD

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