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E.J. Johnson 20th Georgia Presentation Sword
Item #: 2225
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Nice example of an E.J. Johnson foot officer's sword presented to James Whitehead Walker. Research indicates that there are several Confederate Officers named James W. Walker but considering that the sword is a product of Georgia it can be narrowed to the James W. Walker that served in company K 20th Georgia infantry. I found 1 other J.W. Walker that served as a second Lieutenant in a Georgia home guard local defense unit late in the war. Considering the fact that by the time the home defense unit was formed in 1864 E.J. Johnson was not making swords that late in the war. I feel confident this sword was carried by James Whitehead Walker who enlisted as a 2nd Lieutenant on August 8, 1861 and was elected 1st Lieutenant January 10, 1862. In late December 1863 Lieutenant Walker was transferred to General Goode Bryan's Staff and served as a Captain and A.A.G. in Bryan's Brigade. General Bryan had been appointed to lead Semmes' brigade after Paul J. Semmes was mortally wounded at Gettysburg. James Walker served in most all of the major engagements of the Army of Northern Virginia and in the Chattanooga campaign. The 20th Georgia had 17 killed, 41 wounded and 16 captured in the bloody fighting at Gettysburg on July 2, 1863. The sword is in overall fine condition with a brown patina on the guard and pommel cap. The blade has strong etching typical of Johnson with the firm name "EJ JOHNSON & CO MACON GA." and down the blade CS. The presentation on the opposite reads "JAMES W. WALKER". The polished wood grips are fair with copper wire wrap. The original scabbard retains the original mounts brass mounts with a nice dark patina. The leather scabbard is intact with a repair about 3/4 of the way down where it had been broken at one time.


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